By eavleaders • October 6, 2014

You Are A Bad Blogger. But That's OK!

This is for the new bloggers out there. The ones that are still struggling with their first post or first few posts. The bloggers who read what they’ve typed up and just want to delete the whole mess and forget about.

For the bloggers who spend hours staring at a blank Word document wondering what to type.

For the bloggers who, on the other hand, spend hours type more and more words and never really get to the point.

For the bloggers who can’t stop looking for one more mistake to fix, and never publish their post.

It. Will. Get. Better.

It’s true, you’re a bad blogger now, but all that’s going to change! It takes time to become a good blogger, just like it takes time to become good at anything

You can read more of Mike Allton's blog post here 



Mike Alton


Mike  is a Social Media and Internet Marketing Consultant. He works with small to medium businesses and organizations to help them with their entire online presence. Read his articles and stories at The Social Media Hat and you will find his Empire Avenue profile here

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