By eavave • July 21, 2010

Avenue Talk: Behind the Curtain - Tom Ohle

If you've been following @empireave on Twitter, or checking out the facebook page, then you've likely read the scribblings of our resident scribe Tom Ohle - VP of Marketing and Media Relations.

He also has an unusually large right thumb, which comes in handy when there're dikes that need plugging...but I digress.

This is the first attempt at an Empire Avenue podcast, and yes, it kinda shows. We kludged together an interview suite at Robert's house during the first Empire Avenue Team Meeting back in June.

Kludge was a keyword, as the Mics were Guitar Hero and Rock Band mics, and one of the PCs was a little eeePC.

But, the point of that interview suite was to grab interviews with all the team members while they were in one location, and try and get something reasonably interesting out of them.

I think we've you'll hear over coming weeks.

But now, without further adieu, Tom Ohle on Avenue Talk.

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