Over the last few weeks, we've been busy bringing over popular features from our Facebook app into the main site, including the Profile bar where you get to see a combination of Recent Shareholders, Recommended & Trending users. (Since we had the question what "Trending" meant today... Trending are those people being bought heavily on Empire Avenue at any given moment!
Today however we released a small update to the header of the main site in an effort to address some minor usability & browser compatibility issues. The header and navigation have been updated just a bit to allow for better readability, improved screen real estate (so you get more of what matters) and the site search was move to the very top of all pages so you can easily search all of Empire Avenue.
Over the next few weeks, there will be a handful of minor tweaks along these lines so that we can clean up some older code and provide a more seamless experience no matter which flavor of operating system/browser you use. We are committed to providing you a fantastic user experience and are taking steps to ensure we attain that goal.
Remember as always, your feedback is appreciated and required! Let us know what works and what doesn't through our Feedback links, support@empireavenue.com or by direct message to the (e)EAV account or on Twitter to @empireave. We're here and we want to hear from you.