Your Empire Avenue profile contains a lot of information about your life on the social web, and we’re constantly looking to streamline the information – and the overall experience on the site – to present all of the important stuff without unnecessary clutter. A little later today we’ll be rolling out some changes to profile pages, and we thought we’d give you a quick rundown of what’s changing. This certainly isn’t the end of improvements to the site design, but we think it’s a step in the right direction!
Who Are You?
We want to make it easier to find out more about a potential investment, so we’ve shifted some info in the “name plate” to present more information about the user. The bio has been moved up, and if you have a personal website URL, this will actually be visible (business accounts always had their website visible)!

It’s Not All About Share Price!
Remember, folks: success on Empire Avenue isn’t all about having the highest Share Price. Sure, it’s nice to see your price climb, but unless you’re constantly going out and meeting new people, or constantly getting more and more engagement from your audience, it’s just not feasible to expect your Share Price to rise forever. Some people might just be less active on other social networks, or maybe they want to focus on playing the market. For those users, increasing Net Wealth may be a more enjoyable pursuit, and as such we’ve made Net Wealth a bit more prominent on profile pages.
Make Way for More Connections
Empire Avenue already supports a rather large number of network connections, with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Flickr. It’s just not enough, though. Not even close. We’ve done a little redesign of the Connection Scores to… well… make room for more! We’ll have a lot more news on this front soon, but for now just know that there are more Connections on the way! We’ve also taking this opportunity to remove some clutter by providing access to all of your connected Blogs directly from the applicable Connection Score box/image. Just click on it to see the user’s connected Blogs and their endorsements!

Interact with Status
Will keep this one short: you can now comment on and thumb-up Status Updates!

Other Adjustments
We’ve also redesigned some other elements to reduce visual clutter and present more info, and you can now see how many shares someone owns in you! When you go to your own profile page, Empire Avenue Shout Outs will be the default in the stream, as we heard from so many of you that on your own profile, that was the most important! You can filter your stream as per usual!

We’d love to hear your thoughts on the update! Happy investing!