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Foursquare and Instagram Scores

Written by eavave | Aug 31, 2011 2:35:29 PM

We will be releasing your Foursquare and Instagram Network Scores today, Wednesday August 31st, 2011. Share Prices will be affected starting tomorrow, September 1, 2011. This blog post will go into detail on how Foursquare and Instagram are to be scored on Empire Avenue.

About Network Scores and Share Price

Empire Avenue gives you a "Network Score" for each social network you connect. The score represents the amount of social interaction on each of your networks. Unlike your Share Price, Network Scores involve a longer lookback, typically analyzing your activity over a 30-day period. For a new connection, it may start low but will probably climb gradually over a few weeks. While Share Price is a more overall score, individual Network Scores can be used to estimate performance, and discover other active users on a given social network.

Foursquare Scoring

Since Empire Avenue is about social interaction, the elements of Foursquare which we measure primarily involve your social interaction with others on the Foursquare network. Checkins on Foursquare will count as activity, but (like Foursquare) we will not reward excessive or repetitive checkins, or checkins to frivolous locations. The beauty of Foursquare, and the activity we wish to encourage, is checkins and mayorships of popular locations, and interaction with others by the creation of and completion of tips. Like all social networks, the more you interact and be active on Foursquare, the greater and more engaged your network will be, which will result in higher Empire Avenue Share Price and Foursquare Network Scores.

Please note: Your Foursquare check-in data is only shown to you on Empire Avenue. We will not show your checkins to any other individual.

Instagram Scoring

As with Foursquare, our goal is to encourage social interaction. Take your photos and share them on Instagram. The more comments and likes you receive from people and the more followers you amass, the better your Empire Avenue scores will be - after all, you are increasing your network! Please note that spamming someone's photos with comments will not significantly improve their scores.

Earnings and Dividends from Foursquare and Instagram

We are working on a new earnings and dividends system, which we have not yet finalized. Foursquare and Instagram earnings and dividends will be included as part of that. Please do not expect earnings and dividends to change due to Foursquare and Instagram right now; only Share Prices and Network Scores.