As promised we now have more Pie Upgrades that will allow you to take the maximum you invest in someone to 800 shares using upgrades. And of course, the current More Dessert and Even More Dessert Bonuses are still active as detailed in our last post, previous Dessert Bonuses you've used will now be active even with the new Pie which means you might be able to go to 900 or 1000 shares in someone.
Please do note that to keep the system fair and inline, as with moving from 500 to 600 shares, there is added commission when you buy greater than 600 shares. From 600 to 800 shares the commission is 6% and greater than 800 the commission is 7%.
You can increase the number of shares you can buy in someone by using the upgrades in the Empire Avenue Shop.
What's your favourite kind of pie? Mine's Apple Crumble.