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A Day of Action: Global Hope Network and Empire Avenue

Written by Duleepa Wijayawardhana | May 22, 2012 1:26:21 PM

Today, May 22nd 2012, Empire Avenue is proud to be participating in a Social Media Day of Action in support of the Global Hope Network (http://globalhopenetwork.org, @GHNI, (e)GLOBALHOPE). The Global Hope Network believes in Transformational Community Development and working with communities to create sustainable practices, leadership and programs in rural areas to overcome poverty and other obstacles to better living standards.

Your Challenge

The challenge for Global Hope Network and why they reached out to us while we were at the SOBCon in Chicago, is to raise awareness in Social Media. Your challenge is to spread the word as far and as wide, use every avenue of Social Media available to you. They need people signing up to their newsletter, to read their message and indeed donate to the cause, but let's just start with awareness!

You can start by using Twitter and Facebook, send the following message:

I support the Global Hope Network http://globalhopenetwork.org Please check out their mission and sign up to their newsletter http://globalhopenetwork.org/contact #GHNI

On Empire Avenue, those that are able, please use the Missions system to spread some love by driving people to the Global Hope Network website and sign up to their newsletter

Our Challenge

We have gone beyond promoting Global Hope Network's web site, message and newsletter. Any sales we make today (May 22) we are happily donating to the Global Hope Network to continue their fine cause. Yes, that's every dollar we make (after transaction fees and any tax collected).

If you would like to donate by using Empire Avenue, please go here to buy your Eaves, Upgrades or whatever you wish: http://www.empireavenue.com/shop/money

Thank you to all of you for taking part. Let's all pay it forward.