Hey there Empire Avenue! You may have noticed that Missions, as well as your inbox, look a little different than they used to. These changes were mentioned in the Empire Avenue General Discussion Community, but I thought I would take this opportunity to delve into it a little bit further.
The new Mission design is much more spread out, and utilizes the space more effectively. Your options to invest in the Mission Creator are now located on the right hand side of the page along with other active Missions listed by that profile. This keeps that information close together, and frees up space for the rest of the Mission content.
Mission previews, completion, and the ability to leave reviews have all been placed uniformly above the Mission details, and makes the Mission page look much cleaner.
My favorite change may be to our comments section, which you will notice look very similar to Community discussions! This will allow for much easier back and forth communication between Mission creators, and Mission completers, as well as providing easier reading over all for comments.
Now to describe our biggest change, the Inbox! Now your messages are conveniently accessible through your profile through the Inbox tab, from here you can quickly sort, read, and respond to any messages sent to you through Empire Avenue. This will make it easier to keep in touch which your Empire Avenue network directly, as well as making it easier to see who wants to get in touch with you! Shareholder mail has been made it’s own tab on your Stock Market page.
I personally love the new design. It lets you view much more information at a quick glance, and the flow of previewing, completing, and rating is easier than ever before! So start completing a few Missions with the new layout and let us know what you think in the comments, or in the Empire Avenue General Discussion Community!