By eavave • November 5, 2013

Mission Display Changes and Clickable Mission Tags

You may have noticed some changes to the Missions page over the last week. We announced it over on the Empire Avenue General Discussion Community, but I thought it would be helpful to detail the changes here as well.

We have changed the way that Missions display in order to show more on a single screen. This means that you will be able to easily view more Missions, and save your clicking finger for completions, likes, and other networking opportunities on Empire Avenue!

On the right hand side of the Missions page Trending Missions are now displayed. This will show you which Missions on Empire Avenue are currently popular.

Completed Missions have been removed from the display as well to avoid cluttering up the list.

It’s not just a Mission makeover however. Recently on Empire Avenue we introduced the ability to set your Interests and Networks, as well as tagging Missions with those same Interests and Networks. Clicking on an Interest or Network that has been tagged in a Mission will now show you a display of Missions that have been tagged with that specific Interest or Network! This will help you to quickly find the Missions that matter to you!

Be sure to check out the new Missions page, and until next time have fun on Empire Avenue!

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