Empire.Kred | Blog

Pie Updates!

Written by Duleepa Wijayawardhana | Mar 10, 2014 3:40:06 PM

Huzzah! Let us celebrate the oncoming Spring here in the Northern climes with some sweet stuff!

Here’s what we’ve released:

- A new upgrade: "A Bigger Piece of the Pie #23" for $25 USD
- The previous upgrade (A Bigger Piece of the Pie #22) is now available for Eaves (the amount of Eaves depends on your level)
- We have dropped the USD prices for "A Bigger Piece of the Pie #20", #21 and #22 from $50 to $25.

Remember discounts apply to all Premium Account holders when using Paypal or Credit Cards!

Get to the Shop and grab some Pie!