Get ready for an amazing weekend!
[X]traordinary [X]tra Benefits for [X]PendaPalooza!
[X]tra Pie!
Pie 24 for everyone and Pie 26 for the EA Leaders will unlock for 48 hours ONLY. To claim it, you MUST join the [X]PendaPalooza community. Leaders who are join the community will automatically get Pie 26. For everyone else Pie 24 they will be able to buy at half price. This offer is only for the duration of [X[PendaPalooza, through 3 pm ET on Sunday. However, any new Pie acquired during [X]PendaPalooza will continue unlocked for you.
[X]tra FREE Eaves!
EVERYONE in the [X]PendaPalooza community will receive 100,000 eaves to jumpstart your shopping spree. EAVLeaders and many players will run free invest and gift missions throughout the weekend. Plus, we'll announce even more ways to get eaves throughout the weekend.
[X]traordinary [X]Pendapalooza Eaves Sale!
FOR LEADERS ONLY! We know many of you are low on eaves due to the fast growth of the Leaders Community and the challenge of buying everyone back. That's why we are offering the BEST SALE ON EAVES you've ever seen! Please don't just take these eaves and put them in your pocket. You're getting this [X]treme discount, so that YOU can run missions for all players and for other leaders.
Drumroll...... 10 MILLION EAVES for just $20 in the Leaders Shop.
Buy them. Share them. Let's make it rain eaves all weekend!
[X]pand your Portfolio with [X]tra Discounts!
All portfolio upgrades will be 50% off during [X]PendaPalooza for EAV Leaders. Certain items will also be on sale in the EA shop for Everyone. The discount will depend upon your subscription level.
PIE for those who are maxed
EAVES to help you run missions
PORTFOLIO to help you buy more shareholders
This is the biggest [X]PendaPalooza EVER. And it is thanks to the vision of [X]Bar and the passion of our Leaders Community.
* Do you know a past, inactive, or sporadic player? Reach out to them personally! Joining Leaders and participating in [X]PendaPalooza is a truly [X]cellent way to reconnect with the re-energized Empire Avenue community. Get them onboard by Saturday and they can enter the contest to win one of three 10,000 Vee prizes, too!
* Do you have friends who own small businesses, work in marketing or social media, have a blog or online site, or who simply need to jumpstart their social media efforts? THIS IS THE TIME TO JOIN. During [X]PendaPalooza, people will give away shares, eaves, and run LOTS of high ticket missions. Encourage them to join the Leaders and they can buy up to 2,700 shares -- which means they can accept all the invest missions. (We can only buy 400 of them to start, but we all know leaders will be back to top them up.) They'll meet active players AND get more investments, more quickly. Plus, if they also buy that incredible $20 10 million eaves package, they'll have the eaves they need to buy back people who invest in them.
* Do you have friends in EA who haven't joined Leaders yet? This is a great opportunity to chat with them, tell them about your experience -- all the buys, the double dividends, the bonuses on missions for leaders, and much more -- and let them know about the incredible bonuses this weekend. As you've seen, the Leader package bonuses are JUST THE BEGINNING for Leaders. The more work this group does, the more rewards we all get. And the sooner your friends join, the more benefits they will reap.
BRING A FRIEND! Remember: you're likely to be online to help your friend... and other Leaders will pitch in too. Introduce them to us. Run an Invest mission for them with your [X]tra Eaves.
Friends don't let friends miss [X]PendaPalooza!