Empire Avenue is an international social networking site run by the members and much much more , let our members explain .
Empire Avenue to me has always been part-social network, part-business network, part game, part social medial analytics, and part social media TRAINING. Empire Avenue teaches one how to best utilize their social media networks and provides you with a WORLDWIDE network of the most talented business owners, developers, designers, entreprenuers, writers, muscians, hackers, coders, bloggers, programmers, ever.

Empire Avenue is a "game based on real world social media interaction" which means "you can compete against other players or your own record" which gives you "daily motivation to improve your engagement."
Empire Avenue offers "detailed analytics", which means "you can measure social media engagement by network "which gives you a "fun and easy way to spot what's working - and what's not."
Lars Lentz
I use EA because it helps me to know how I am progressing in social media and how much interaction I have. By EA giving me a number (score) for each of my networks, I can then concentrate on those networks that work or improve on those that are not working for me, to make them work for me.

Tammi Kibler
Empire Avenue allows you to advance your career or cause while playing a game.
For content creators and social promoters, Empire Avenue missions direct early eyeballs to content. Empire Avenue eyeballs are on average more socially motivated (i.e. more likely to click, comment or share content) than the general public, and good content receives early feedback that helps boost its visibility on other social networks and in the search engines
James Meyer
Empire Avenue is the tool to promote your business, venture, brand, blog post, YouTube channel or ??? Whatever online asset you have that could use more eyes, more engagement and more traffic, Empire Avenue Missions are designed generate traffic.

Caroline Nettle
Empire Avenue is a whole heap of fun, and helps you to connect with people from all walks of social media that you probably wouldn't come across otherwise. Making friends, engaging, and discovering other great projects and companies- at the same time as letting the world know what you are about. Fabulous!

Andrew Girdwood
Empire Avenue lets you amplify your content and social awareness. It taps you into a network of other creators, curators and community moderators with a similar goal; to increase their social worth. By investing in others, like a social stock exchange, and by completing missions or requests on your time, you are able to earn virtual I.O.U. points which can be saved up and traded in when you have some content or profiles of your own that needs a boost.
Most importantly, Empire Avenue isn't a shady back alley where dodgy swap deals are arranged. To keep things entirely compliant with the FTC (in America) and other marketing regulators around the world, any social shares, endorsements or similar you may pick up from your new network of influencers are those that you've earned. If you're not sure about these regulations then Empire Avenue will keep you straight making it an ideal place for those just starting out on their marketing and social media journey as well as those already at influencer level.

Barbara Klein
EA is a fun social tool to amplify your content and social media presence and a place to connect with others, broadening and deepening your network. It has the appearance of a virtual stock exchange, your share value mirroring your social media and EA activities. Completing missions will earn additional points, running your own missions help you to boost your content or profile.

Steven Healey , who wrote this blog post.
Empire Avenue is a tightly knit community with members around the globe who daily promote and help each other.New members are welcome with open arms , given help learning the system and encouraged to become involved.Since I joined I have discovered many new friends , become involved in many new emerging networks , none of which would have been so rewarding without the help of my Empire Avenue friends
Disclaimer: Our owners, writers, and/or guest post authors may or may not have a vested interest in any of the above projects and businesses. None of the content on this blog is investment advice nor is it a replacement for advice from a certified financial planner.