By eavleaders • May 21, 2014

Empire Avenue Beginners Guide

Empire Avenue


This is the first in a series to guide you through Empire Avenue when you first start

You are being guided by (e)StevenJH and (e)Angelika

Invitation to Join



If someone you know invited you to join Empire Avenue , the invitation will look like this

Simply click 'Accept Invite' (1)

Invitation to Join

When you

click 'Accept Invite' , you will be taken to the Empire Avenue webpage

Press 'Get Started' (1)

When you

Registering on Empire Avenue

The blank registration screen

Registering on Empire Avenue

Enter your details

(1) Your Email Address
(2) Your Name
(3) The 'ticker' or ID you would like to use.

Everyones ticker should be unique , the system will check whether the one you choose is already in use . If it is simply choose another one

(4) and (5) enter the password you want to use . Both fields need to be the same

Enter your details

Tell us how you want to use Empire Avenue

At this stage you may not know, so select the closest match.

Tell us how you want to use Empire Avenue

After registering

A quick tour of the system starts

After registering

Follow the tour

it only takes a few minutes and it will help you .. honest

Follow the tour

The main

features of the system are explained

The main

First steps .. your mission is to ..

There are several small missions which you can perform to familiarize yourself with Empire Avenue

Each one will earn you eaves , which are Empire Avenues virtual reward currency , As a new player you need every eave you can earn.

You need not complete all the missions one after the other , you can return at any time and pick up where you left off.

The first mission is to confirm the email address you used when registering

Click the complete mission button (1)

First steps .. your mission is to ..

Activating your Email Address

The mission description is shown.

Now check your email account for a message from Empire Avenue

Activating your Email Address

Your Confirmation Email

Click the link (1) to confirm your email address and activate your account

Your Confirmation Email

Uploading your picture

This is the second mission .. to upload a picture of yourself.

Remember Empire Avenue is a social network with forums and people like to know who you are , so use a recent photo .. perhaps the one from Facebook.

There are of course always exceptions and I will introduce you to Fenya later :)

(1) Choose a file from your computer

(2) Upload the file.

Uploading your picture

Your uploaded picture

will then appear.

Your uploaded picture

Connecting your social networks .. Facebook/Twitter/G +

Connecting your Facebook and Twitter accounts is straightforward . Just click each connect button in turn.

As soon as each account is connected EAv (Empire Avenue) will begin is measure your success on those networks and will provide network scores and give you recent trends and posts.

When you undertake missions the links to your accounts enable easy manual posting to each network

Connecting your social networks .. Facebook/Twitter/G +

Connecting Facebook

Empire Avenue requests several permissions in order to function at its best. This task has been undertaken by thousands of players without any problems.

Empire Avenue does not post on your behalf.

If you are happy with this press OK (1)

Connecting Facebook

Connecting LinkedIn

Empire Avenue requests several permissions in order to function at its best. This task has been undertaken by thousands of players without any problems.

Empire Avenue does not post on your behalf.

If you are happy with this press OK (1)

Connecting LinkedIn

At Last your profile page is ready

(1) Your Name and Ticker (ID)

(2) Location .. EAv has taken a best guess , you can change this later if you wish.

(3) Network Scores .. each network is given a score based amongst other things on your activity.

It will take 4/5 days for your scores to show . I always track the tend of the scores .. daily fluctuations will happen but it is a great general guide.

(4) As soon as your profile is visible someone will notice you and send you a message and buy your shares.

EAv is a friendly place and the more you interact , the more fun you will have getting to know people.

(5) Wealth , you have already been paid Eaves for he missions you took earlier in setting up your profile..

At Last your profile page is ready

Buying your first share

On the screen above you can see a search (spyglass) icon (6)

Use it to find the account of the person who invited you or someone you already know.

In this case Angelika searched and found me.

Click the Invest button (1)

Buying your first share

The Buy Shares Screen

is displayed ..

It shows more information .. and says you can buy up to 200 shares (1)

DO NOT BUY 200 SHARES ... you will have no virtual money left .

Buy 1 share to get started ..

It will tell the person that you have joined Empire Avenue and they will probably buy shares in you.

At this stage do not worry if someone buys more of your shares than you did of theirs , in time you will catch up.

Empire Avenue is after all a social stockmarket where members invest in each other.


In the first 7 days of running your account there are limits to the number of shares people can buy in you ranging from 200 to 400 depending on how they are operating their account.

When the 7 days are up everyone can buy more shares in you , up to 2800 .

So you need to be active in the first week to encourage people to buy and invest further.

Be aware that people can buy and SELL your shares at any time . That said if you create an active presence few people will sell.


The Buy Shares Screen

After buying the share (s)

You can post a personal message .which will appear on the users personal profile page.

Enter your message and press Post on Profile (1)

At this stage leave a message when you buy shares , not only are you investing but you are getting to know people

After buying the share (s)

Update your Status

Enter a short message in you profile status and press post (1)

Update your Status

This will encourage

members to get in touch :)

This will encourage


This is the first in a series to guide you through Empire Avenue.

You are being guided by (e)StevenJH and (e)Angelika


Disclaimer: Our owners, writers, and/or guest post authors may or may not have a vested interest in any of the above projects and businesses. None of the content on this blog is investment advice nor is it a replacement for advice from a certified financial planner.
