By eavleaders • June 11, 2014

Full Moon Engage Me Social Media Event N°2

Last May, more than 200 people met in the EAv Gangstas community to join the first Full Moon Engage Me Social Media Event.
It was great to read all the positive comments from those happy Empire Avenue players who said "let's connect" and engage with each other.

The Schedule

Strawberry Moon image Profiles Of Nature, Jerry Goldner, Wildlife Photography ©

Mea Culpa, in May, I relied on my wall planner icons and mismatched the new moon with the full moon date.
This time I checked better the Full Moon Calendar Dates... and can confirm it will start on Friday 13th of June at 12:00 noon UTC until Monday the 16th in HERE.
The 4 weeks gap between each event will be respected from now on...

The Strawberry Moon

There are native American names for the full moons that you can find here. June Month full moon is called Strawberry Moon!
The picture © above is by Jerry Goldner, during a moonrise over Lake Michigan with untouched moon color.

More information

    • #FullMoonEngageMe SoMe Event – Announcement.
    • #FullMoonEngageMe SoMe Event – Let's Connect.
    • #FullMoonEngageMe SoMe Event – The FAQs.
    • #FullMoonEngageMe SoMe Event – The Hosts.
    • #FullMoonEngageMe SoMe Event – The Leaders.
    • #FullMoonEngageMe SoMe Event – The Reasons.
    • Please use the comment section to ask any question about the event.

See you soon :-)

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