Ready for a summer of fun? #EAvLeaders is working with Leader teams and Empire Avenue communities to present fun events this weekend -- and every weekend -- all summer long! Watch this page for details:
Three ways to get involved:
1) Participate in each event. Look for missions, participate in buying events, and more.
2) Volunteer to help EAvLeaders Fun&Games plan upcoming events
3) Belong to another community or team? Propose an event for the second half of the summer.
All events are organized BY players, FOR players.
This is a great time to invite your friends to join -- newbies will get a boost each and every weekend for six straight weeks. (And, if they join this week, they'll be off Fresh Face status BEFORE [X]PendaPalooza! Spread the word!
June 13-16
#FullMoonEngageMe Social Media Event
EAv Gangstas
June 21-22
Sir Rudiger's Cracking the Nut of Knowledge Extravaganza
EAvLeaders Wiki + Team Leaders
June 27-29
[X]PendaPalooza 15
July 4-6, starts at 12am
Fireworks on Empire Avenue
EAvLeaders Fun & Games Team
July 12-14
#FullMoonEngageMe Social Media Event
EAv Gangstas
July 19-20
Surprise Event
Empire Avenue Fun Club