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EmpireAVenue – Fuel your Social-Media output – A typical conversation . #EAv-Blogathon

Written by eavleaders | Jul 29, 2014 6:42:46 PM

Explain it to others. I did a lot. Exactly with the above headline. I thought it was simple enough ? It was(n’t) because it triggered questions and made people . . .

. . . Stop instead of walking away.

„So how do you get money out of it ?“ is one of their favorite questions to which I usually reply: „Wrong approach. SoMe is the loooong winded road to the market. The BIG wheel. Or let me put it this way . . . do you have a twitter, fb-fanpage, G+, LinkedIn ?“

„Yes, yes, yes and . . . yes.“

„How do THEY make YOU money ?“

You can read more of Andreas Wiedow's blog post here 

This is an entry in  Empire Avenue's Blog_a_thon which takes place on 25th /29th July

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