I joined Empire Avenue three years ago and, apart from Scrabble, don’t play any other online games – I don’t have the time.
After initially enjoying the fun of raising my virtual share price and dividend paid to shareholders, I realised that I was connecting with some interesting people. Empire Avenue enables you to add your various social media accounts so that people can connect with you directly from your EA profile.
At the time I had a Google+ account, but didn’t really know what to do there. Being busy, I didn’t have the time to experiment much.
Connect, connect, connect
What I noticed was that, through Empire Avenue, my Google+ follower count was growing. I too made a conscious effort to connect with players from their EA profiles, specifically following their Google+ accounts.

You can read more of Robert Zarywacz's blog post here
This is an entry in Empire Avenue's Blog_a_thon which takes place on 25th /29th July
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