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Why you should join EMPIRE AVENUE – your guide to sharing #EAv-Blogathon

Written by eavleaders | Jul 30, 2014 6:00:03 PM

Why You Should Join Empire Avenue – Your Guide to Sharing

To be plain with you, Napoleon and the Empire appeal a lot to the French !

So just imagine ‘Empire Avenue‘!

This sounds like the 12 Avenues Napoleon built in Paris around the ‘Triumph Arch’ of ‘Etoile’ (Star), including the famous

‘Champs-Elysées’ down to the ‘Concorde’ place.

Well in a word, this sounds like you’re coming down the ‘Champs-Elysées’ with Napoleon or your favorite partners on your side and lots of cheering around!

Here are at least 5 reasons to join Empire Avenue-EA for intimates :

1 To become as famous as Napoleon (well, sort of)
2 To share your talents, findings & innovations
3 To partner with great people
4 To grow international
5 To build up your projects

You can read more of francois vallet 's blog post here 

This is an entry in  Empire Avenue's Blog_a_thon which takes place on 25th /30th July

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