By eavleaders • July 31, 2014

On the Nature of Marketing & Digital Cow Pies #EAv-Blogathon

Every so often I have one of those days where I really feel like I’m “on it” when it comes to taking pictures. Granted I still have a lot to learn and I’ve only been doing it a couple months, but even still, every now and then I get a shot that I am just super proud of and want to share with the world. That brings me to what I’m gonna ramble about for the rest of this post:

How does one make themselves known without whoring themselves out?

If you were to ask some number of bloggers or marketing people they would likely tell you the best way to make a name for yourself, aside from just doing good work, is to utilize social media in some fashion or another. As you can tell by the top left of the page, I use a bunch of social networks. For the most part though, my social media use is fairly selfish. It’s how I find information, hear opposing viewpoints, keep in touch with people. Largely, I use it for the same reason as most everyone else. The other thing I do with it is post the work I’ve done. As of late I’ve found myself at a point in which I have wondered if I could better utilize those networks as a way to promote myself (more so than I already do, as I do post occasionally about such things). My concern however I think is of grave importance: I don’t want to be one of “those” people.


You can read more of Earthquake Photography's blog post here 

This is an entry in  Empire Avenue's Blog_a_thon which took place on 25th /30th July

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