Three weeks ago Empire Avenue invited members to write blog posts about the site and 48 people responded , a big thank you to everyone who took part.
This was followed by a weekend of voting during which all members could vote for their favorite blog post .
We are now releasing the results of the Peoples Choice Votes
Congratulations to Paul , Harold and Charles - the people have chosen your posts as their favorites by both voting for and promoting them on Twitter , Facebook and Google + . You each win 5 million eaves.
Prizes will be awarded by Empire Avenue next week.
Paul Steinbrueck (e)/PDSTEIN

'This week Empire Avenue has been doing a blog-a-thon. It’s a great idea to rally EAvers to blog about Empire Avenue and get some bring some additional visitors and publicity to their blogs, as well as to Empire Avenue.
Sounds like a win-win-win to me.
After more than 33 posts and 1200 posts, Empire Avenue Tips is one of the longest running blogs about Empire Avenue, so I couldn’t let this opportunity pass without contributing a post.
Harold Gardner (e)GARDNER

Often when folks join Empire Avenue they have interesting expressions about how hard it is to get started. Some have likened the beginning with EA to trying to drink from a fire hose. A new player sold the shares of someone who had been helping him creating an unfortunate encounter with the more senior player. Smarting from his wounds, the newbie told me he thought starter pistols fired blanks.
EA fortunately has added tons of new information designed to help new players understand the rules of the avenue.
Charles Perkins (e)CPERKY

Empire Avenue, affectionately called “The Avenue” is best described as a “Social Media stock market”. It’s currency (eaves) are invested, earned, issued, and paid in developing an Empire Avenue stock portfolio that pays dividends daily. Just as valuable is the lasting friendships and great relationships that are developed with other players. Interactions with social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn, YouTube, among others are vastly important in playing the game.