Writing a blog post is the first step , the next step is attracting people to read it which means getting the word out.
This is the true strength of Empire Avenue , members will actively promote each others blog posts extensively.
So after our Blogathon competition this is what happened next .
Everyone got involved , our special thanks go to the people mentioned below
All the enthusiasm and support for the Share-a-thon made it very very hard to select the SuperSharers!
Judging was based upon scope of sharing - the more networks, the better - and the impact of shares.
Each winner will receive 5 million eaves, to be awarded next week.
Pieter Collier (e)BEREN
Red Boating (e)REDBO
Heinz Dobernig (e)SOLOMO
Vedarth Deshpande (e)VEDARTH22
Erik van Erne (e)MILIEUNET
Gary Loper (e)GLL
Heather Koroll (e)ICYSTARS2
Mithu Hassan (e)MITHUHASSAN
Michael Vincent (e)SPEEDYHEALTH
Airgeadais Trust (e)AIRGEADAIS
Erin Boykin (e)ERINBOYKIN
Remo Pollastri (e)REMPOLLA
BogDan Wrzesinski (e)GODSENT247
Barbara Klein (e)LATEBLOOMERS

Wow! Bloggers not only took time to write a blog about Empire Avenue and share to their fans - -most went one step further and shared other entries, too!
There is a 3-way tie for first place - each winner will receive 5 million eaves, to be awarded next week.
Semen Frish (e)7A
James Meyer (e)JAMESMEYER
Andrew GirdWood (e)GIRDY
There is a 5 way tie for second place! Each winner will receive 3 million eaves next week.
Kavalon Gilliam (e)KAVALONTHATS , Reg Ervin (e)RDEECO , Liz Hall (e)PAINSPEAKS , ron sidwell (e)LEFTYRONBO and Erick Strobel (e)LOANS .
Honorable Mention
There was so much competition in this category that Blog-a-thon winners were excluded. Clearly, their sharing paid off!
Not only did they share their own blogs widely, they shared ALL the other blogs as well. Job well done!
Detlev Artelt (e)DET
Robert Zarywacz (e)ROBERTZ
Chris Munro (e)CDOGZILLA
Sally Witt (e)SALLYKWITT
Charles Perkins (e)CPERKY
Ron Callari (e)RONCALLARI
Leo Basic (e)LEOBASIC
We'd like to thank ALL the bloggers for entering and promoting their blogs, the contest, and other entries.
Fortunately, EVERYONE is a winner in this contest! All bloggers with accepted entries will be invited to the Winner's Circle community next week.
They will receive a bonus 1 million eaves.