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The Full Hay Moon 15th #FullMoonEngageMe #SocialMedia Event on #EmpireAvenue #SocialNetworking

Written by eavleaders | Jun 30, 2015 9:45:45 AM

The Full Hay Moon

July‘s full moon is sometimes referred to as the Hay Moon, after the July hay harvest.
It is also called Blood Moon, or Thunder Moon – because thunderstorms are so frequent during this month – or the Buck Moon – because male deer, which shed their antlers every year, begin to regrow them in July.

15th #FullMoonEngageMe Schedule

Our free event will start on Monday the 1st of July 2015 at +/- 07:00 UTC and will last until Friday the 5th at +/- 24:00 in HERE.

What is this about?

Our 1st #FullMoonEngageMe event launched in May 2014… Grab a unique opportunity tosuper charge your social networking by meeting and connecting with top social media engagers on Empire Avenue and beyond. Time for some “serious buzz” and serious FUN!

Take a look at some highlights from our previous (14th) event:


See you soon ;-)