You’re an Empire.Kred player – and that makes you the best possible person to decide who YOU want to see in the game. Who do you know who wants to track or build their social networks? Who will love discovering new content in missions or enjoy climbing the social stock market? Who shares your interests or creates content that excites you? Those are the people we want to introduce to Empire.Kred.
As each one of us reaches out and brings in people we like, people we trust, and people who are interesting and dynamic, we ALL benefit from a stronger, more dynamic game.
The Build YOUR Empire Challenge will run through mid-December. Four contests will make it fun and rewarding to tell your story, show prospective players how (and why) they should play, and share the new mobile-friendly Empire.Kred across social media. All while earning or winning eaves!
Invite-a-thon, Blog-a-thon, Video-a-thon, and Share-a-thon let you choose the medium and the message that works best for you. Blogger? Enter the blog-a-thon. Networker? Focus on invite-a-thon. Video creators will shine in the Video-a-thon. And, of course, every player can share content and win big prizes in the Share-a-thon.
These events aren't just for top players, bloggers, and video experts. Some of the best entries last year came from players who simply looked into the camera or sat down at the computer to share why they play. Empire.Kred brings together a community of people from all walks of life, from a huge array of professions, and from countries all over the world. Those personal stories - your personal experiences - get to the heart of what makes Empire.Kred such a key part of our professional and personal lives. It's time to share our stories.
The next blog post will bring you full Invite-a-thon rules, including details on how you can give your friends the gift of 2 million eaves (and how you can win over 100 million eaves.) You don't have to be a salesperson to win this contest. It's all about personal stories and personal conversations. WANT A HEAD START? Go to https://www.empire.kred/profile/invite, scroll to the bottom of the page and look for your custom referral link. People you refer today will count towards the contest and earn you 2 million eaves as soon as they fully activate their account.