The sixth entry in Blogathon 2015 is from Nicky Kriel from Guildford England , a member of Empire.Kred since the beginning of September 2015

How Empire.Kred increased my Klout score
How do you measure whether someone understands how use Social Media? While there are a few ways you could do that .Kred and Klout are the best platforms which measure your influence and impact on Social Media at the moment. Neither is perfect. I want to share with you how “playing a game” called Empire.Kred has spilled over and affected my Social Media engagement in a positive way.
Kred has always been transparent about how it measures influence and uses two measurements, one to show your impact and the other to show how generous you are to other people by liking, sharing and retweeting their content. I wrote a blog post about Kred a few years ago explaining how Kred measurement worked and what it meant:
You can read the full blog post here
If you would like to enter the Blogathon you should
1 Join the forum here
2 Write your blog post and post it on you website.
3 Enter the competition by posting the link in the forum.