The eighth entry in Blogathon 2015 is from Karen Marie Shelton of from Dallas, Texas , a member of Empire.Kred since early January 2012.

Buy Hold And Sell Keys Representing Market Strategy
It was almost four years ago on January 12, 2012 when I took the plunge onto Empire Kred (formerly Empire Avenue) and created the HairBoutique ticker.
Unfortunately I learned how to get started on Empire Kred (EK) only after I'd already made just about every mistake in the book.
Note: EmpireKred (formerly Empire Avenue) is a stock market simulation social network game that allows users to buy and sell shares of people and websites.
Rather then bore you with a goody-two shoes rendition of how to get started and follow the Dale Carnegie words of "win friends and influence people" I'm going to own up to all my horrible, no good, very bad decisions which almost tanked me completely on Empire Kred.
You can read the full blog post here
If you would like to enter the Blogathon you should
1 Join the forum here
2 Write your blog post and post it on you website.
3 Enter the competition by posting the link in the forum.