Empire.Kred | Blog

It can be lonely in the crowd cloud, so find friends on #EmpireKred #BlogAThon Entry EKB17

Written by eavleaders | Dec 15, 2015 11:15:58 AM

The seventeenth  entry in Blogathon 2015 is from Robert Zarywacz from lfracombe, North Devon, a member of Empire.Kred since April 2011


It can be lonely in the crowd cloud, so find friends on #EmpireKred

Especially when you’re not the noisiest of people.

And there is a lot of noise on the internet.

Many internet users lurk, staying in the background reading and viewing content, but never actually saying anything themselves or commenting. I suppose it’s because, as in real life, loud people can intimidate quieter ones and some people don’t have the confidence to speak.

I’m quiet, but I’m also confident to speak when I want to. Also, I don’t want to waste my time or energy on the petty squabbles that we see grow into massive, pointless online arguments. I’m a doer, rather than a talker and much prefer action to meetings and discussions.

You can read the full blog post here 

If you would like to enter the Blogathon you should

1 Join the forum here

2 Write your blog post and post it on you website.

3 Enter the competition by posting the link in the forum.