The eighteenth and 19th entries in Blogathon 2015 are from Joseph L Rosenberg CPA from Florham Park , a member of Empire.Kred since April 2015

EKB 18 Planning for Year-end and for the New Year to Come
As 2015 comes to a close, it is time to review your business activities to see if you have met your goals or still have time to do so. Did you ever create an annual budget for the business? If so, are you up to date on your books and records so that you can compare your actual results to the projected ones?
Many small businesses do not have either a budget or up to date books, making it unlikely that they had a business plan where they wrote down their goals and developed a way to meet them.
You can read the full blog post here
EKB 19 An http://Empire.Kred Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a day of remembering family and friends and also to think about interests of times gone by. During the past year I joined social site and met a bunch of interesting people who fed these interests. Today I give tribute to a sample of them.
Helen Rittersporn of Coastal North Carolina writes a blog called anchor scraps that blends new technology communication with old style corresponding. My old interests in letter writing and stamp collecting appear often in her blog and I enjoy her work.
You can read the full blog post here
If you would like to enter the Blogathon you should
1 Join the forum here
2 Write your blog post and post it on you website.
3 Enter the competition by posting the link in the forum.