The twenty sixth entry in Blogathon 2015 is from Stuart Crawford from Belfast and a member of Empire.Kred since August 2013

6 Tips for Strengthening Brand Reputation
In the 20th century, the most valuable assets of a business organization were its production equipment. But, a business is often undermined because it tends to neglect the impact that intangible assets such as brand reputation can have on their firm’s value.
As per a report by Thomson Reuters and Interbrand highlighted by Forbes:
Three decades ago approximately 95 percent of the average corporation’s value consisted of tangible assets, but today 75 percent of the corporation’s value is intangible.
The above statistics clearly state that, today, a business’s most valuable asset comprises of good name, its brand and reputation.
You can read the rest of the post here
Thank You Everyone
This is the last entry in Blogathon 2015 . We thank everyone who has taken part .
Steven , Karen and Skip