The twenty fourth entry in Blogathon 2015 is from Avil Beckford from Toronto and a member of Empire.Kred since August 2013

Taki Moore: Running Successful Webinars
Don’t you just love it when things come together? I was listening to a webinar on SEO when the speaker, Stephan Spencer, mentioned the Four Forces. I was intrigued and wanted to learn more about the concept. After some research, I found the podcast, “Webinar Masterclass with Taki Moore” and decided to listen to it. Hosted by Barry Moore, host of The Active Marketer podcasts, the Webinar Masterclass with Taki Moore is a goldmine – there is so much practical information to apply. I spent a good four hours applying the new information. Taki Moore speaks too quickly, so you’ll have to listen very carefully, or listen to the podcast more than once.
Although the podcast is about running successful webinars, you can apply the information to other products and services, which is exactly what I did. Before Taki Moore got down to business, he used a quote that was very profound, “Create a framework before you do any work.” A framework is some kind of system, and the most successful people have systems in place that contribute significantly to their success. Do you have a framework that you use in your business? I am busy updating The Invisible Mentor System.
You can read the full blog post here