Firstly a BIG thank you to everyone who entered the competition.
We are very grateful to Sarah Arrow of Sarkemedia who has judged the competition .
There were entries in three categories
The winner is Robert Zarywacz with 'It can be lonely in the crowd cloud, so find friends on #EmpireKred'
The winner is Avil Beckford with Time Management Techniques – Which is Right for You? 
Social Media
The winner is Matthew Carpenter with A Christian's Guide to Social Media 
The overall winner is Robert Zarywacz
The winners in this section were chosen by the members of Empire.Kred
The Winner Michael Q Todd with Strategy. How I got my Empire Kred price to about 2400 and get daily benefit from it 
2nd DES Daughter Network with The Full Frost Moon 20th FullMoonEngageMe Social Media Event on EmpireKred 
Joint 3rd
Kornelia Santoro with Kornelia's Kitchen 
Nicky Kriel with How Empire.Kred increased my Klout score 
Special Awards from the Blogathon Organisers.
I would like to thank the team involved in organising the Blogathon.
Our favourite blogs were by Kornelia Santoro (mentioned above) and
Helen Rittersporn with “Keep Moving” – Celebrating Dick Van Dyke’s 90th Birthday!
Instituto Espanol Second Life with Can Empire.Kred Help Virtual World Content Creators? 
Once again a BIG thank you to everyone who entered the competition.
All winners will receive EAVES rewards soon
Thank you to our judge Sarah Arrow for reading and rating all the blogs and selecting our winners 
Demonstrating competency is one of SarkeMedia's founding values, along with showing up and getting the visibility that you deserve.
Sarah Arrow is an award winning blogger, Forbes listed for top websites and a champion of "lighting the way to show others"
So impressed was Sarah by the quality of the blog posts that she is awarding our winners Robert , Avil and Matthew places on her upcoming 30 day webinar challenge .