SIr Rudiger is twitching with excitement! St. Patrick's Day is soooo huge that it will run all the way 'til Sunday evening ET!

Here's what you'll find:
FLYING SHAMROCKS to give new players and friends 250,000 eaves-- now with an option to buy some for eaves. (Some people are reporting a problem with this, programmer is working to fix this now.) There may be some more developments coming on this event to make it easier to give away LOTS of shamrocks, so stay tuned.
OVER A MILLION EAVES AVAILABLE VIA ACHIEVEMENTS. Think about sayings and phrases associated with St. Patrick's Day and enter on a profile to see it you can unlock an achievement. There are a total of five available, ranging from very easy to much harder. PLEASE DELETE PHRASES THAT WORK after you get your achievement - let's keep the game fun for everyone.
NEW PIE FOR LEADERS (and leaders received a free pie, too!) You can now buy up to Pie 60 in the Leader Shop.
THE RANDOMIZER IS BACK FOR LEADERS -- head to the shop and buy when you like the discount. The randomizer will spin randomly, too, this time. That means discounts may change several times a day.
PORTFOLIO & PIE 40% OFF IN MAIN SHOP -- Portfolio lets you buy more tickers. Pie lets you buy more shares in each player. You need more of BOTH to proceed in the game, so grab them while they are on sale.
SPECIAL EAVES FOR NEW PLAYERS 40% OFF -- In your first 30 days, you get two big discounts:
The Ultimate Leaders Upgrade is just $100 instead of $160 for over $2000 in game benefits.
The opportunity to buy 1 million eaves for $9.99. 40% OFF MEANS JUST $5.99.