You are being guided by (e)StevenJH and (e)Angelika long time members of Empire.Kred
On Empire.Kred you can host your profile , trade shares , networking in groups , view your social media analytics and run missions.(and make friends)
Registering on Empire.Kred
The blank registration screen

Enter your details
(1) Your Email Address
(2) Your Name
(3) The 'ticker' or ID you would like to use.
Everyone's ticker should be unique , the system will check whether the one you choose is already in use . If it is simply choose another one
(4) and (5) enter the password you want to use . Both fields need to be the same
(6) Subscribe to the Empire.Kred Newsletter
Finally (7) Create My Profile

What are Eaves
Eaves are Empire.Kred's virtual currency , you start with 100,000 eaves.
The aim is to increase your wealth
You gain eaves when
(1) You received daily dividends from players who you have bought shares in
(2) As a reward for completing missions
(3) Buying them from the shop.
(4) By selling shares at a profit.

What is your share price ?
You start at a share price of 10 eaves.
One aim on Empire.Kred is to increase your share price , this will happen naturally as people buy your shares and connect with you.
Enjoy playing the game , getting involved in missions , forums and in supporting others .

What is your Empire.Kred Score ?

How many players do you own shares in ?

How many players have bought your shares ?

First steps
(1) Please confirm your email address (we will give you eaves)
(2) Join your first community - The Welcome Wagon - here you will be able to connect with other players and ask questions about Empire.Kred
Again will will give you Eaves if you join

The sign up email
After you sign up , you will receive and email asking the following.
(1) Simply click the link

Your First Missions - Setting up your account

Joining Welcome Wagon
Welcome Wagon is an official Empire.Kred forum staffed by knowledgeable , friendly volunteers.
(1) Press join this community

Your first achievement
When you join Welcome Wagon you will in addition to your eaves earn your first achievement badge.
Badges are awarded for actions taken throughout the game and help you track your progress.

Second Achievement
As soon as you have confirmed your email address , your shares can be traded on the Empire.Kred stockmarket.
You will be able to make new connections as people see your new account and buy your shares.
How many they buy is up to them , but in the first week the maximum anyone can buy is 400 .
After your first week , players can buy up to 5000 + of your shares.
This is key .. if you are active in your first week , saying hello and buying shares in others - your share price and your eaves balance can sky rocket.
Conversely if you join , confirm your email and do nothing else then people lose interest and nothing happens

Your Biography
This is your permanent space on your profile to tell people what you do,
Some profiles biographies encourage people to connect with them

Activate Progress
At any time you can check which of the initial missions / tasks you have completed.
You do not have to do them all at once but if you can do them in your first week your progress in the game will be faster and more enjoyable

Your Interests
You can log your interests .
The immediate benefit is that when you start taking missions - the Recommended missions will be full of missions about topics you are interested in

Activate Progress
We have now completed the first five missions.
You have confirmed your email address , uploaded a photo , written your bio and stated your interests
You also have more eaves . time to explore

Jumpstart your game
If you press the Jumpstart your game button you can watch this short video which explains one of Empire.Kreds facilities.
In the beginning you can take other peoples missions later you can run your own.

Playing the Game
Each of the missions in this section introduces a different aspect of the game
You need not do all the steps in one go , you can do them when you wish.
If you want to simply get going you can leave this overview and start playing , return when you have questions (or need eaves)

Playing the Game :Share Prices and Dividends
This short video explains how the Empire.Kred stock market works

Playing the Game :Empire.Kred Stats
As you have only just started playing there is nothing much to see
You can return here at any time to track your progress

Playing the Game :Check out your Eaves Balance
Eaves are needed to buy shares , run missions and other things
You can check your eaves balance here

The invest steps you can do anytime you wish
If you like the game you can invite your friends and earn more eaves (1)
Joining the Empire.Kred Tactics and Tech Community to more advice on tactics for getting the most from the site. (2)

Invest : Empire.Kred Tactics and Tech Community

Invest : Empire.Kred Tactics and Tech Community after joining

invest : Steps Review
Check back here to see your progress

Each of the steps here gains you Eaves
Steps 1 , 2 and 3 will enhance your visibility on the game.

Your First Investments
You can buy shares in any Empire,Kred account.
There are many strategies which are discussed in the groups.
I am going to buy my first share and have chose my friend Nance .
I found her by typing Nance in the search box which is on all Empire.Kred pages
This is her profile page
You can see the invest button (1)

Buying Shares
When you click the invest button , the buy screen is displayed

How many shares to buy ?
I could invest all my eaves in Nance , all 457,000 of them
That would not be a good idea
I could not then buy shares in anyone else.
When you are starting out I suggest you only buy 5 shares in everyone.
However this is your game - you decide how many - it can be from 1 to 200
Note If you buy shares in existing players , they will probably buy your shares too
So the more people you buy , the more will buy you ... and they have lots of eaves to spend

Say hello
After you buy shares you can leave a short message which will appear on the profile of your buy
You can use this opportunity to make first contact
Please try to keep the message personal and do not try to sell anything to them , you only just got here :)

Investment Achievement
Yay , another badge - you are rocking
Badges help you track your progress :)

Buying more shares
You can by shares every day until you run out of funds.
Each new day you will receive dividends and can earn more eaves by doing missions.
The more shares you own , the greater your dividends.
I am now going to buy Angelikas shares
So I find her profile and click the Invest button (1)

How many shares to buy ?
Yes the answer at this stage is 5
Enter the 5 (1) and press Invest (2)

Leave a message
You can also use this opportunity to get help
You will be notified when Angelika replies

My message on Angelika's profile

Connecting your Networks.
This is important .
Empire.Kred provides FREE Networking Analytics.
Every day your activity on your connected networks is measured and shown on your profile.
Some people say this is an improvement on Klout.
If you connect your Twitter Account you can do twitter missions
If you connect your Facebook account you can do Facebook missions.

Your Profile
As you progress through the game your Profile page becomes more interesting and useful

My investments
I can see the two players who i have invested in

My shareholders
Players have started investing in me

Buying Back
If someone buys shares in you , you should buy some in them
You do not have to but it is the neighborly thing to do
I pressed invest on Alex's listing above.
You guessed it .. I am buying 5 shares

Another email from Empire.Kred
You will not get too many emails from Empire.Kred , but the welcome email is helpful

After Buying Back
I now have 5 investments - the two I made originally and the 3 buy backs

Visit the missions tab to view current missions.
It is time to earn some eaves , so I can buy more shares

Gift missions
As a new player GIft missions are great.
You are given FREE eaves .

Select the mission
and the mission page is shown

Mission Description
Simply press complete mission (1) and 10,000 eaves are yours

After completing
You are taken to the donors profile page.

Saying thank you
Empire.Kred is a social network.
You can take just a minute to say thank you.
As you are new , this is a great way to connect with people

Investment missions
Some folks like you to buy shares in them
The best thing is - they will give you the eaves
There is no catch
The number of people you own shares in goes up , your value goes up , you make a new connection and they might also buy your shares

The Investment Mission

Mission Description
Simply click Complete.
You are now 25,000 Eaves better off and you have invested them wisely and you have met Dan .:)

After Completion
You are taken to the profile and you can see you own 25 shares (1)

Do not forget
to say 'Thank you'

Your profile
is getting busier.

We hope you enjoy playing on Empire.Kred as much as we do and look forward to connecting with you.
We have met hundreds of people over the years , many are now friends , some we collaborate with .
To all of them we say thank you
If you have questions please ask and also visit the Welcome Wagon
Steven and Angelika
Disclaimer: Our owners, writers, and/or guest post authors may or may not have a vested interest in any of the above projects and businesses. None of the content on this blog is investment advice nor is it a replacement for advice from a certified financial planner.