By eavleaders • April 20, 2016

Guide to #FullMoonEngageMe

New to Empire.Kred or to #FullMoonEngageMe?  Here's everything you need to play and connect with social media influencers across social media.

WHERE: Full Egg Moon thread in the EAv Gangstas Community

full-egg-moon-shopWHEN: April 20th 3 AM EDT 'til April 24, 2016 Midnight EDT

WHAT: 5 full days of networking and connecting across social media


  • Add your ticker to the #FullMoonEngageMe thread
  • Visit players, say hi, throw a moon pie, buy a few shares, read player bios, and check out social media. When you see posts that interest you, CONNECT.
  • Throw moon pies at everyone playing. Don't forget recent players, your shareholders, and your portfolio - you can use our new bulk thrower to send in batches from those pages.
  • Need more tips? Check out Sir Rudiger's Guide for New Players in the Welcome Wagon


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