The Meet the Leaders Quest will run through May 31. Catch up with Day 1 and Day 2. Scroll down for easy directions.
Sage Bramhall Ouchark is a heart centered woman from Fayetteville, AR. Her education and her work in Education, Leadership, Business and Marketing comes full circle in her Social Media! She is a full time caregiver to a "MS Warrior", and her variety of posts is amazing. Sage just joined #EmpireKred in April and jumped right in as an active player, and also now as a new Leader! "I've had amazing engagement and wonderful leaders to learn from."

New! Quests now include Mission Achievements. Visit this mission to see the 10 Reasons to Join Empire.Kred Leaders created by (e)Knikkolette. Remember: right now, you get ALL those benefits - worth over $2,000 - PLUS the Triple Leader Jackpot which will add 3x pie, eaves, Even More Desserts, and more.
Mahesh is a social media enthusiast who lives in New Jersey. He is a long time player, since 2013, On top of the other benefits, he says that he joined Leaders right away because "Being part of the community and growth of the platform seemed so interesting that I joined as soon as I could, I'll recommend everyone to be an Empire Leader."
Greg Weir is a fantastic photographer of the vistas and animals on his home island of Cape Breton in Nova Scotia, Canada. He is also a Digital Strategist. Greg explains one of his favorite benefits of being a member of the Leader Program. " Leaders get a greater eave income faster and that helps everyone. The more eaves you have the more you can invest in others."
Ron Sidwell aka @LeftyRonbo is a blogger and a runner. He describes himself as curious and his thought-provoking blog reflects that. He gave serious thought to joining the leaders - the dividends & bonuses were compelling, but ultimately he rates the social media friendships, networking, and interaction as the true top benefit.
How to play:
- Check this blog daily for featured leaders and activities.
- Each featured leader has pinned a post to their profile. Go to it, read the reasons why they joined the Leaders - and why they think YOU should consider joining.
- You'll find the phrase you need to unlock the achievement after you read the pinned post. (Be sure to type it into a NEW comment field, not as a comment on the pinned post.)
- REFRESH the page to see your achievement.
- While you are on each leader's page, be sure to take the time to ConnectUP. Plus, watch for gift and invest missions. They will run some and other leaders will also run them, so check the mission feed. (You never know when a mission may trigger an achievement.)
- Not a leader? Consider joining and YOU could be featured in the Quest. Go to the Shop and select the Ultimate Leader Upgrade - it's on sale.