The Meet the Leaders Quest will run through May 31. Catch up with Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3. Scroll down for easy directions.

Steve Cassady is a well respected coach and Leader in the field of Social Media and Business. He is a longtime member of Empire.Kred from Kansas City, MO. He joined the Avenue is 2011 and saw the tremendous benefits available in the Leader's package with a one time fee. He really likes Double Dividends, Mission Bonuses, and Extra Pie, Promoted and Scheduled missions are another great tool when I have had a need to use them. Timing and Promotion are key for success.

Maya Artrotter blogs about art and travel. Based in Florence, she brings Italy's museums and art to you. She appreciates all of the leader benefits, especially all the pie.
.Robert Zarywacz provides public relation services to small businesses and large organizations. He's a spokesperson for the National Campaign for Courtesy in the UK and represents many other clients as well. As a busy business owner, he finds that his Leaders Membership makes the time he spends on EK more productive.

Lynn O'Connell is a Creative Director in the real world - or was before discovering Empire.Kred Leaders! She was one of the first to join when Leaders went on sale, and quickly ended up as a Brand Manager when Leaders ran the site. When Kred took over, she was hired to serve as Player Champion, and is working with programmers to bring the ideas Leaders mapped out into the game. The day she joined, she was only on Pie 15 and thought the deal was worth it simply to get to Pie 25. Two years later, new leaders get over 50 pies, making it an even better deal.

Donald Richter aka EQPHOTOS is an amazing photographer. He writes and posts about photography and shares his adventures on his blog. You can buy his stunning landscapes online (and really should.) When asked why he joined the leaders, he focused on the power of networking plus the opportunity to have a voice in the future of the game.
How to play:
- Check this blog daily for featured leaders and activities.
- Each featured leader has pinned a post to their profile. Go to it, read the reasons why they joined the Leaders - and why they think YOU should consider joining.
- You'll find the phrase you need to unlock the achievement after you read the pinned post. (Be sure to type it into a NEW comment field, not as a comment on the pinned post.)
- REFRESH the page to see your achievement.
- While you are on each leader's page, be sure to take the time to ConnectUP. Plus, watch for gift and invest missions. They will run some and other leaders will also run them, so check the mission feed. (You never know when a mission may trigger an achievement.)
- Not a leader? Consider joining and YOU could be featured in the Quest. Go to the Shop and select the Ultimate Leader Upgrade - it's on sale.