The Meet the Leaders Quest will run through May 31. Catch up with Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 and Day 7. Scroll down for easy directions.

REMEMBER: Pie up to 60 is ON SALE during #FullMoonEngageMe. Head to the Upgrade Shop to stock up on your next pies. (Better yet, pick up the Ultimate Leader Upgrade - you'll get all the pie up to 47 immediately, with many more to come.)

Enjoying the Meet the Leaders quest? This Twitter mission gives you the opportunity to invite friends to join. Over 6 million eaves are up for grabs in the quest.
Plus, everyone who joins Empire.Kred leaders now will get 5 million when they get the Ultimate Leaders Upgrade and at least 6 million more when the Leader Jackpot pays out.

Casey Fahey is the founder of @netgoalie, dedicated to securing the #InternetOfThings. Originally from Hawaii, he is now based in Manhattan. His personal favorite benefits are the double dividends and mission bonuses between leaders.

Gord Holden is the director of 3D interactive schooling program at the largest independent school in Canada. He says "purposeful exploration of virtual worlds provides my students with the experiential learning experiences they might need and not get in the real world." He finds Empire.Kred's gamification of real world tasks most powerful. He says it provides "incentive to keep current with my social media."

Catherine founded the Global Unity Harmony Foundation to help those traumatized from abuse fulfill their dreams and realize their full potential. Her social contacts doubled when she joined leaders.

Based in Massachusetts, Bill Spicer is enjoying his retirement. He loves cooking/eating spicy hot food, cars, sports, networking and Social Media. He joined Leaders for the benefits, dividends and bonuses, but quickly realized that the people in the community were the best asset.
How to play:
- Check this blog daily for featured leaders and activities.
- Each featured leader has pinned a post to their profile. Go to it, read the reasons why they joined the Leaders – and why they think YOU should consider joining.
- You’ll find the phrase you need to unlock the achievement after you read the pinned post. (Be sure to type it into a NEW comment field, not as a comment on the pinned post.)
- REFRESH the page to see your achievement.
- While you are on each leader’s page, be sure to take the time to ConnectUP. Plus, watch for gift and invest missions. They will run some and other leaders will also run them, so check the mission feed. (You never know when a mission may trigger an achievement.)
- Not a leader? Consider joining and YOU could be featured in the Quest. Go to the Shop and select the Ultimate Leader Upgrade – it’s on sale.