Today sees the launch of the latest Empire.Kred extravaganza to celebrate the events of the weekend.
Starts today at 8:00 pm ET and runs through to the 5th July ,
There are two parts to the celebration
You can send SPARKLERS to your friends on Empire.Kred so that they can light them in celebration of the weekends events , everyone you send a sparkler to will also receive eaves .
Note : Please do not light the sparklers before you send them !!
The second part is the hunt for Sparkling clues scattered throughout the site by Squirrel , the Empire.Kred moderators and friends , You will find them on missions and in the forums.
Crack the clue , find the matching member profile and post your answer on their timeline. If you have the correct answer and the correct profile you will earn a reward .
At the moment it is a bit of a mystery but I am sure all will become clear over the weekend.
All that remains for me to say is 'Enjoy the weekend's celebrations and Good Luck'