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Brain Tumor Awareness May 19-24

Written by eavleaders | May 19, 2017 2:03:49 AM

This month, we've determined to benefit The American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA) at the suggestion of their social media Ambassador, our own (e)TUMORWARRIOR.

We will be giving grey ribbons, there will be shop sales including badges, with 20% of the proceeds donated to ABTA, there will be small contests... and there will be a BIG CONTEST!

Battle of the Influencers for #BTAM

Sign-ups for the Battle are now being accepted in the Grey Matters! event community. This thread is where you enter your ticker to be assigned to a team.

Teams will be assigned Friday, May 19, up to the beginning of the contest at 12 AM Eastern Time, Saturday, May 20.

Here's what we can tell you now:

  • It will be a team contest. You sign up to play, and you will be assigned to a team. The team chooses its captain and determines how to use its assets.
  • There will be many ways to win points, but the greatest number of points will come from measurable social media activity to promote @theABTA and #BTAM.
  • Material will be provided to help the promotion, but teams are free to create additional material to carry out their missions
  • Final rules will be published in the Grey Matters! Community before the contest begins.

Other event activities will commence at 12 AM Eastern Time, Friday, May 19.

The event and contest will run until 12 AM Eastern Time, Thursday, May 25.

Let's have a great time doing what us Social Media Influencers do best, and help an incredibly worthy cause in the process! Sign up for the contest, get involved in the activities, and take care of your Shop needs to benefit ABTA and Brain Tumor patients, caregivers and survivors!