Firstly, thank you to our passionate EK Player community.
Your commitment to the platform means a lot to us.
I have spent the last few weeks speaking to some of you and reviewing the recent feedback from my last post.
I will address some of your comments and cover:
The new digital assets - Coins, Badges, Cards and other NFTs (www.NFT.Kred)
EK Events
10 years on…
Empire.Kred (formerly Empire Avenue) first went live in 2009
We are now 10 years old - 164,902 Players worldwide have created many thousands of Missions and our volunteers and Leaders have run hundreds of Events
About 6 months ago selected EK Community members were invited to become the first early adopters of Kred’s Non-Fungible Token creation platform (www.NFT.Kred), at that time in the form of actionable Coins.
EmpireCoins allows you to “coinify” any digital asset (a photo, video, etc), attach a call to action, and share, give or sell to friends. EmpireCoins uses the Kred Coins (www.NFT.Kred) platform, which registers your Coins as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on the Stellar and Ethereum blockchains.
The feedback we received has contributed to the evolution of our NFT offering, and was the basis of our presentation at NFT.NYC, a 500 person event for the NFT Community in NYC on 20 February.
We invited Lynn (e)OMDirect to join us as an EK representative:
“There are A LOT of people interested in blockchain collectibles, including big venture capital firms and investors”

Wherever possible we like to integrate new collaboration technology into our platform.
We believe tokenized digital assets are a powerful medium for influencers and brands.
Following the feedback from (e)Kita and other early adopters:
We are releasing new NFT types
Coins are being complemented by new templates, including Cards and Badges.
You can now create NFTs without CKr
CKr is an optional currency that allows you to attach additional value to your Coins.
EK Use cases
(e)Milieunet commented “Who is really interested in Coins except EK?” - we have put together some examples of how NFTs are being used:
Over 3,000 Coins have been made by EK Players.
They have used them to promote Missions or as an extra prize or reward for those who complete your Mission.
Here’s example made by (e)FairyDust - Michelle, who ran a Mission to promote her Twitter Following:

Other Players are creating Coins to promote and share their Businesses and Interests… even (e)SQRL

(e)GLL said he “will never be interested in coins”...
You can now create a Collection of Cards that feature your content, interests or friends.
Give or Sell to your friends and followers. Each Card can carry a call to action to view your content, social profiles or anything else

You can design Personalized Badges that showcase achievements or memberships.
This function will be live shortly.

Events on Empire.Kred
Last week, after several productive calls with Michelle, Kilroy and Nance, we released Chips and Dip Day!
The event saw a total of 133 participating players and 20,347 chips thrown!
We are now finalizing the April Calendar (click to enlarge):

Need Support?
If you ever need support on Empire.Kred, please either email us at, or open a ticket on
Finally, I have organized a group conference call for any players who wish to meet and chat with Cameron Bale and Jodee Rich for 6pm EDT Thursday 4 April.
Please join an audio only Hangout Meeting by accessing link:
(From your phone, you will need to download the Google Hangout App).
Thank you!