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WordPress.com scores now available on Empire Avenue

Written by eavave | Sep 30, 2011 8:27:24 PM

Happy Friday! Yesterday our devilishly handsome development team put the finishing touches on the WordPress.com connection.

If you have a WordPress.com blog and you've connected it using the WordPress.com connection, you will notice that your WordPress.com connection is now reporting a score -- the '-' has changed to a number.

This connection is a bit different than others, in that it's a specialized Blog connection (and consequently has the ability to better impact your overall network score).

Unlike a normal Blog or RSS connection, with the WordPress.com connection we're able to better evaluate:

  • Post activity
  • Comment activity
  • Sharing activity (a future addition)

WP.com scores will show lower than other scores because we're scoring against all blogs that WordPress.com hosts, and some of those blogs receive thougsands of page views per day -- so it's likely that your WordPress.com score will be lower than expected, but in all cases, it would be better than if it was a standard Blog or RSS connection.

As well, even though our team may be devilishly handsome, they're still working on the connection -- Leaderboard integration is still forthcoming. When it's in, we'll let you know ;)